Parent Information

Issue 02

Reading Comprehension

In 2018 Infant Jesus School has a focus on Reading Comprehension. The following information provides some tips for when children are reading at home.

Beginning readers….

Reading together

When you are reading with your children:

  • encourage them to read to you
  • talk about what is happening in the story and the pictures
  • point out key words in the story and explain words they might not know
  • get them to show you words they do know
  • stop and ask: What do you think will happen next? and What makes you think that? accept their answers, even if they aren’t quite right
  • encourage them to join in with rhyming words or phrases repeated through the story
  • ask why questions, for example: Why do you think the author put that in the story?
  • answer their questions even if they interrupt the flow of the story – remember you asked for their opinions!

Read things your children really enjoy so they learn to love reading!

Older Readers

 Talk about their reading

  • Ask your child what they are reading and talk about their ideas:
  • what is the ‘picture’ they have of particular characters?
  • are there people like that in their family or does it remind them of anyone – how?
  • what do they want to find out from the book?
  • what are the important messages?
  • what do they think is going to happen next?
  • what else do they need to know to understand the story or topic?
  • Talk about books on similar topics. This helps your child to pull together ideas from different places.
  • Talk to your child about what they have been reading on the Internet. What have they learnt? What questions do they still have? Where
else could they find information that would be useful?
  • Help your child to share their thinking. Get them to share opinions and talk about why they think that. Listen, even when you don’t agree with their ideas.

Be a reader yourself

  • Talk about what you are reading and why you are enjoying it or what is challenging about it. Read a book to your child that they might find difficult but want to read, and talk about it as you read. Use your first language whenever you can – it can help your child’s learning.
  • Read the same book or magazine as your child. You can then share your ideas about what you have read. You could talk about why the authors made the choices they did when writing the story


Workshop for Volunteers

A Volunteer Workshop will be held on Thursday 15 February at 6.30pm in the Library for parents wishing to help in the classroom or attend excursions with classes.

All parents who have not attended previously, need to attend the volunteer workshop if they wish to support classrooms with special activities. Please notify the office if you wish to attend this workshop.

The value of volunteers is seen through;

– teachers and parents working together,

– better communication between home and school,

– greater understanding by parents of their children’s schooling,

– greater understanding of the tole of teacher and the planning and organsation required within a classroom,

– greater goodwll and mutual respect between parents and teachers,

– children seeing their parents and teachers sharing common beliefs, attitudes and goals,

– more opportunity to see adults, both teachers and parents, as role models – the value of education is shared between the home and the school.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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