We Are Called
We Are Called
To Parents
The Eucharistic Celebration (Mass) is made up of twelve key moments which are divided into two parts – the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
In the Liturgy of the Word, the focus is on the lectern, where we are taught by Jesus. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist Jesus nourishes us.
The focus moves from the lectern to the altar and the following parts are included in the Liturgy of the Eucharist –
- The preparation of the Altar and Gifts
- The Eucharistic Prayer
- The Communion Rite
- The Concluding Rite
This week the reflection will focus on the preparation of the Altar and Gifts.
As you walk into the Church you will notice the gifts of bread and wine placed at the back of the Church.
At the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the Offertory Procession people bring the bread and wine forward with the people’s offerings. The priest receives the gifts from ‘everyone’ as they are a symbol of all who have gathered for the celebration. The Offertory Procession continues today because this connects us with the traditions where people brought up bread and wine which they worked to make for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
When he has received the gifts brought up by the people in the Offertory Procession, the priest places the gifts on the altar, and either prays silently or these prayers may be said aloud. When the prayers are prayed aloud the people respond – ‘Blessed be God for ever’.
When you and your family are at Mass next time
- look for the Offertory Gifts on your way into the Church
- listen for the prayers with the response ‘Blessed be God for ever’.
A reflection on the second part of the preparation of the Altar and Gifts will be shared in the next newsletter.
Plenary Council Workshop
An invitation is extended to all parents to join us on Wednesday 27 February at 7.00pm in the Library for a Plenary Council Workshop.
At this workshop we will be working in small groups to listen, reflect and share answers in responding to the question
“What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?”
This is an important time for the Catholic Church in Australia, and they are encouraging us all to think about this question and to share our thoughts. There will be many different responses, but all are valuable and will contribute to the process.
We are looking forward to seeing parents at this workshop. Light refreshments will be served during the evening. Please use the following link to register your attendance.
iCare: Volunteering at Infant Jesus School
Covering Books
At Infant Jesus School it is our aim to ensure all children become successful readers as reading is also a very important for many other learning areas. Reading is also important for life – long after children leave school.
i–Read – ‘The Principal’s Challenge’ is a new initiative introduced this year. In this program all year levels will have a large collection of books. However, before these books can be placed in the classes they need to be covered.
We have already had some generous volunteers and would be extremely grateful for any more parents who are able to help in covering these books – with plastic (not contact!)
If you have some time – eg after the children go to their class in the morning or before children are collected at the end of the day – or any other time please let us know – even if it is only 30 minutes. We would welcome any time you have available
Please come and see Jenny in the Library if you would like to help.
Family Mass
On Saturday 9 March, our first Family Mass for the year will be held at Infant Jesus Parish commencing at 6.00pm. All families are invited to attend this Mass as it provides an opportunity for families to take time to pray together and it is another way in which we continue to build our school community. Family members will be reading and participating in the offertory procession. The School Choir will also be leading the singing.
This Mass is also an Enrolment Mass for our Year Six students wishing to be Confirmed this year. It would be wonderful to see as many families as possible at this Mass.
Parish Sacramental Program
Parents who wish to enrol their child for Confirmation this year at Infant Jesus Church but were not able to attend the Confirmation Parent Meeting last Monday 18 February are required to attend the rerun of the parent meeting on SATURDAY 23 FEBRUARY, 9:00 am, at Infant Jesus Parish Centre (Library). This meeting is a requirement by the Archdiocesan Sacramental Policy. Please send your RSVP to Faith Rico at sacramental@infantjesusparish.org.au on or before Friday, 22 February.
Many thanks to all the parents who attended the Confirmation Parent Meeting last Monday 18 February.
A gentle reminder that your family is required to attend one of the Enrolment Masses below:
- Saturday 9 March at 6:00 pm OR
- Sunday 10 March at 9:30 am or 6:00 pm
Please arrive early on your chosen Enrolment Mass time and remember to register your attendance.
During the Mass, Father will be calling all the children to the sanctuary to receive an enrolment pack.
Enrolment Masses- Saturday 9 March at 6:00 pm OR Sunday 10 March at 9:30 am or 6:00 pm
Enrolment form submission starts on Monday 11 March and ends on Thursday 14 March
Commitment Masses- Saturday 30 March at 6:00 pm OR Sunday 31 March at 9:30 am OR 6:00 pm
Parent & Child Workshop- Monday 20 May at 7:00 pm
Retreat, Visitation and Practice- Thursday 30 May at 9:00 am
Reconciliation of Confirmation Candidates- Thursday 6 June at 11:00 am
Confirmation Masses- Saturday 8 June at 11:30 am OR 3:00 pm
Infant Jesus Church Children’s Choir Invitation
Children who are Year 4 and above are invited to join the parish children’s choir.
If you are interested, please email Faith Rico at sacramental@infantjesusparish.org.au.
The children’s choir sings every 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.
24:7 Morley Youth Group
The 24:7 Morley Youth Group is for all youth in Years 6-12.
The Youth Group meets every Friday, 6pm-8pm at Infant Jesus Parish Hall Morley (Gold coin donation)
Please call Roger 0434 988 711 or Steph 0499 547 066 for more information
© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998
Website by Chameleon Logic