We Are Called

2019 Issue 06

We Are Called

The Eucharistic Prayer is the central prayer of worship. Jesus shared this this prayer for the first time at the Last Supper. This was the first Eucharist. Today each time we share this prayer we remember Jesus’ words and actions as we are nourished through sharing this special meal.

The Last Supper
Before Easter Jesus shared ‘The Last Supper’ with His friends. Jesus had eaten many meals with His disciples and friends; however, at this time He performed two very symbolic actions that are remembered and celebrated today. He went around and washed the feet of his disciples to show us that no person is greater than another person and to teach us that we should love other people just as Jesus loves us.

Jesus told the disciples not to be worried and upset that he was going to leave them. He was going ahead of them to prepare their places with God in heaven. Jesus promised that they would see each other again. He also promised to send the Holy Spirit to help them do their work here on earth.

Finally, He shared the most important gift of all. He took a piece of bread, blessed it, and thanked God for it. ‘Take and eat; this is my body,’ he said. Then Jesus took a cup of wine. He blessed it, thanked God for it and said ‘Take and drink, this is my blood.’ Both these signs were intended to convey the meaning of His death, both were accompanied by the command to do likewise. Ever since, it is in humble service and sharing the Lord’s Supper (Eucharist or the Mass) that we find ourselves closest to Jesus.

After Easter, Jesus appeared to the disciples, but they only recognised him in the blessing and breaking of bread. This was recounted when Jesus walked with some disciples to Emmaus, although they didn’t recognise him during the walk. It was only when he broke the bread and gave it to them that they recognised who he was. Jesus also appeared to some more disciples when they were fishing, but not catching any fish. They realised who he was after their nets became full of fish and he then invited them to eat where he then took the bread and gave it to them.

Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist to strengthen us in our faith as we continue His work each day.

Next time you are at Mass with your family reflect on what took place on Holy Thursday and at Easter and in the days and weeks after Easter. Consider your own words and actions each day and how these help people to come to know Jesus.

Month of May – Praying the Rosary
The month of May has traditionally been a time when we pray to Mary. The Rosary is often prayed during this time. The Rosary tells of some of the very important events in Mary’s life. Mary’s life, as the mother of Jesus, is closely linked to Jesus life and begins joyfully, then experiences sorrow and is finally glorious.

Joyful Mysteries

  • At the joyful time in her life an angel, Gabriel, announces to Mary that she is to be the mother of Jesus. Mary then shares this news with her cousin Elizabeth. Jesus is born and then, as a baby, He is presented in the temple. Later, as a twelve-year-old, Jesus shares a special message with the teachers at the temple.

Sorrowful Mysteries

  • During the sorrowful part of her life, Mary watched as Jesus prayed in the garden before the soldiers came to take him away. She was there when He was crowned with thorns and led off to die. She saw Jesus does on the cross.

Glorious Mysteries

  • The last part of Mary’s life can be seen as a glorious time. To begin, Jesus rose from the dead and went to heaven. Jesus then came back to see and talk with His friends. Finally, Mary foes to heaven to become the mother for all of Jesus’ friends. She is then crowned Queen of heaven and earth.

Mysteries of Light (Luminous Mysteries)

  • In October 2002, Pope John Paul II added the Mysteries of Light to the Holy Rosary, calling us to pray the Rosary daily; for our families – and for world peace. Each mystery reflects on some of the important moments in Christ’s life.

Lent and Project Compassion
Last term we were amazed at the generosity of the children and families. Throughout Lent each class focused on a chosen project and worked towards raising funds which have been donated to Caritas (Project Compassion) to support their work both in Australia and around the world.

We sincerely thank everyone who made a donation during the time – the final amount was $4158.00

This term we focus on LifeLink. LifeLink was established in 1994 by the Archdiocese of Perth.  LifeLink includes many agencies that reach out and provide support to those in need in the Archdiocese. This work is ‘Faith in Action’ as we stretch out our hands to help people in need … just as Jesus does with us.

Through our involvement we aim to make a difference to others in our community.

As a school we support the work of LifeLink through our prayers, thoughts and actions. We will be creating ‘A Big Book of Love and Hope’ where every class contributes a page with prayers, thoughts or messages of support and care to people in need.

We will also be having a Cake Stall each Thursday commencing in Week Four. A different year level will be co-ordinating the stall each week. Your donations will greatly assist the work of LifeLink. More information will be sent out soon.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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