Infant Jesus School receives Quality Catholic Education Award

At Infant Jesus School we understand that Jesus is calling us to make a difference in the situations we are in. We believe that each person has the power to make a difference in the lives of others. We call this initiative the ‘Power of One’.

In 2017, Infant Jesus School developed the Power of One program where staff were encouraged to contribute one hour per week in Christian Service. The initiative continues today and has staff making a difference in our school, parish and wider community.

In October 2020 Infant Jesus School was recognised with Quality Catholic Education Award for our Power of One initiative.

In this program each staff member voluntarily contributes one hour a week of Christian Service, in one way or another, over a period of time. Staff have worked in a volunteer capacity, to integrate the principles of Catholic social teaching into practical experiences of service to improve the lives of others in society. 

Some of the activities that staff have been involved in since the inception of this initiative include: 

  • School Clubs
  • Cleaning the Parish Church.
  • Assisting at Parish events.
  • Cooking for the community
  • Assisting at organisations including Shopfront, Foodbank, St Vincent de Paul
  • Organising fundraising events

‘Being Christian is living and witnessing faith in prayer, in works of charity, in promoting justice, in doing good. The whole of our life must pass through the narrow door of Christ.’ Pope Francis, 25/8/2013

The staff at Infant Jesus School have shown that by doing, and giving of themselves, they have shared with others how to be a positive change and ultimately make a difference in this world.

At a school level, children have benefited from new clubs being established, as well as staff sharing their passions and expertise with them. These clubs have given the children opportunities to recognise new gifts and talents.

This witness is important for our children at Infant Jesus School to see and experience. It helps build our community into one which unselfishly recognises the gifts, talents and plights of others. It motivates us all to help make a difference in small, but very significant ways. Following the example of Jesus, staff have taken upon themselves to look for a variety of ways in which they can generously serve to the community to make a positive difference to improve the lives of others.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

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