Assistant Principals’ News

2019 Issue 12

Infant Jesus Day
We are looking forward to celebrating Infant Jesus Day on Friday 23 August. The following schedule is a guide for the day. Please be aware that these are approximate times only – we may be running ahead of or behind time during the day.

Infant Jesus Day Schedule
9:00am – 10:00am
Mass in school Hall
10:00am – 10:30am Morning tea for parents and special guests in the Hall
Recess for children on the Basketball Court (weather permitting)
10:30am – 10:45am Choir and Band Performance for parents and special guests in Hall
10:45am – 12:00am Classroom Open Sessions (Pre-Primary – Year 6)
12:00pm Children return back to their own classroom
12:00pm – 12:30pm Lunch (sausage sizzle)
Parent and special guests collect lunch (sausage sizzle) from the canteen
Parents may join children who are eating lunch on the school oval (weather permitting)
12:40pm – 1:45pm Mini Fair Stalls
1:45pm – 2:00pm Mini Fair pack up and children return back to classroom
2:00pm Infant Jesus Day concludes
2:00pm – 3:00pm Classes as normal

Contingency in Case of Rain:
If it does rain on Infant Jesus Day we will try and remain with the same schedule with the following adjustments:

  • Parents may join children who are eating lunch in their classrooms (this is to facilitate for children and staff setting up stalls in the Undercover Areas and the Hall).
  • Mini Fair – venue for all activities – Hall and Undercover Areas
  • Normal classes will resume at 2.00pm

Lunch: A sausage sizzle lunch will be provided to all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, guardians and any other family members who wish to attend. If you would like to have a sausage sizzle on the day, please fill in the below form with the number of additional ‘sausage sizzles’ your family will require (Children in the school have already been catered for).

Please fill in the details below by Friday 17 August.

School Photos
Class Photos/Portraits:
The expiry date for online ordering is the Monday 12 August 2019. Any orders received after this date will incur a $30.00 archive fee. You can email your order request through to or call their office on 08 9240 8000

Family Photos:
Family photos cannot be ordered online.

Special/Sports Group Photos:
If your child is in a Special/Sports photo you will receive a link and password to the online gallery after photo day. You can then view and order if required. Photos will be delivered with the school’s bulk order.
Please Note: Class Groups, Individuals and Family Photos are not available to view online

Book Week
There is only one school day to go until the we celebrate Book Week – a very exciting time for all at Infant Jesus School. During the last two weeks the Library has been an extremely busy place during class visits and also during each lunchtime as the students have attempted and entered all the competitions. These competitions have now closed but there are also a dress-up prizes. Students just need to complete the dress-up entry form and place it in one of the boxes in the Library. We will find out all the answers at the Book Week Assembly next Wednesday!!

To further promote and celebrate books and Book Week a Book Fair will take place in the Library on Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 August from 8.00am – 8.30am in the morning and from 3.00pm – 3.30m in the afternoon.

We hope that parents continue to support children to value and love reading by visiting the Book Fair and buying a book or two. Some parents also very generously donate a book or two to the school.

Reading Book Week Award Winners
iRead, the Principals Challenge, has continued to inspire and motivate every child to read more. The amount of ‘more’ is chosen by each student as they all have access to a wide variety of books in their classrooms.

This term a few special books will be the focus as we celebrate Book Week 2019. These books and their authors and illustrators have been awarded special recognition by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. Some of these books have been displayed in the Library – we hope that everyone enjoys reading these new books.

Early Childhood
• Heads and Tails: Insects by John Canty
• The Dress-Up Box by Patrick Guest
• Rainbow Bear by Stephen Michael King
• Tricky’s Bad Day by Alison Lester

Picture Books
• The Feather by Freya Blackwood & Margaret Wild
• Girl on Wire by Elise Hurst & Lucy Estela
• Chalk Boy by Mandy Ord & Margaret Wild
• The All New Must Have Orange 430 by Michael Speechley
• Cicada by Shaun Tan

New Illustrator
• Red House, Blue House, Green House, Tree House by Jane Reisegar
• The Singing Seal by Allison Langton
• Australian Birds by Matt Chun
• Dingo by Tannya Harricks
• Grandma Z by Daniel Gray-Barnett










Look for situations involving proportional thinking in real life. Have your child explain his or her thinking. Some examples are provided here:

  • Mr. C.’s car lights are not working at full strength. They are dimming and losing 25% of their brightness. Should he drive at night? Why or Why not?
  • Gabriella promises to help her sister to do her paper route each day. Her sister says she’ll give her one quarter of her profits. Is this a good deal for Gabriella? Explain why.


The new Mathematics Challenge will be posted in the next newsletter and drawn at the Monday Morning Assembly.

Year 1-2 Question
Coral shared 12 ice cream scoops equally amongst 4 ice cream cones.
How many scoops were in each cone?

Year 3-4 Question
When a number is added to 31, the answer is the same as 46 – 11.
What is the number?

Year 5-6 Question
Evan is on holidays in Beijing, China. He took a taxi from the airport to his hotel. It cost him 375 Chinese yuan. He went $15 AUD over his travel budget on the taxi ride.
How much Chinese yuan does Evan get for every Australian dollar if he budgeted $60 for the taxi ride?

Please add your answers to the boxes in the Library.

Toys – What Not to Bring to School
Over the years we have all seen lots of somewhat ‘gimmicky’ but very well-presented items that all children can easily access. One of the latest is from a supermarket where tiny story characters are collected. These miniature items are much treasured and keenly collected. It is quite a challenge to ensure all the items have been added and there is a great sense of achievement when the set is complete.

Collecting these items can take place in many ways. However, at Infant Jesus School, we expect that these special items would be left at home as they can be damaged or lost. Children may then become upset which then further impacts their learning as they are distracted by their own items that have been lost or damaged. Indeed, if we see these items at school we remind the students that they need to be left at home.

If children are bringing their own resources to school eg. story characters, mini shop items, football cards etc it also creates a challenge for those children who do not have these items but would like to join in.

At school, therefore, we ensure that all students are provided with a variety of options before school, at recess and at lunch. Equipment and resources are available for all students to access. We expect that children look after and share the equipment and resources as this further develops both responsibility and their social skills which are essential for life.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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