P&F News

2019 Issue 12

Well, the P&F are refreshed and ready to go with preparations for Term 3 & 4 events and it’s a busy one!

P&F Meeting
Our next P&F Meeting is Tuesday 20 August at 7pm, hope to see you there.  If you have an agenda item please email it to mariabellesini@bigpond.com by 13 August.

Infant Jesus Day: FRIDAY 23 August
Infant Jesus Day is coming up and we are in need of volunteers on this day to assist with morning tea and of course our sausage sizzle lunch. Also if you’re an expert on the BBQ, we’d love to have you help out with cooking our sausages and onions!

We will also be asking each class to donate items for morning tea, this will be communicated via your parent class rep.

Please email Marisa on president.pafc@gmail.com if you are available to help out on the day.

Father and Son Camp 2019 – Early bird registrations now open
Please register your early interest in this year’s camp (to be held on the weekend of November 1-3 at Nanga Bush Camp in Dwellingup) by emailing Dave at david.p.johns@gmail.com.  Your family will be given an early opportunity to secure a place before the registrations open to the entire school.

Please provide us with the following details:

  1. Father’s name
  2. Child/children’s name/s
  3. Father’s mobile number & email address
  4. Child/children’s year group/s
  5. Does your child’s birthday falls during camp weekend? What day?
  6. If you/your child/children have any specific allergies
  7. Bunk preference (eg: if you want to bunk with a cousin)
  8. Do you have a skill or have access to an item that you think could benefit us in camp? Please let us know!

Pricing and payment information will be forwarded to those who secure an early bird spot in the coming weeks.

Save the Date
School Disco: Friday 15 November more info TBA.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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