Class News

2019 Issue 12

Year Six Class News
This term the Year Sixes are excited to learn about the different regions and countries of Asia, in particular, China and Malaysia. The children have started by looking at the ‘goods and services’ and ‘imports and exports’ between Australia and Asia. Later in the term, they will be writing Information Reports. This week we will be exploring the Chinese culture and the children will be making Vegetable Chow Mein, which is a Chinese noodle dish.

“I can’t wait to cook and eat the Chinese Chow Mein!” Eva
“I am excited to learn about some of the most popular landmarks of Asia.” Madison
“I am looking forward to writing an information report about China.” Jazmyn

Year One Class News
During Mathematics, the Year Ones have been learning about Australian coins.

Through many hands-on learning experiences, they have learnt how to identify and describe the features of the coins, and order the coins according to their size and value.

‘” learnt that $1 is worth 100 cents and $2 is worth 200 cents”  Zavier
“A 5c coin is worth 5 cents. It has an echidna as its picture. It is silver and a circle”. Aidan
“The 50c coin has 12 sides”  Mia W
“Australian coins are all different shapes and sizes”  Myah
“I learnt that there are 5 kangaroos on the $1 coin”  Christian
“All the coins have different pictures on them’” Aria

Sport News
CPSSA Interschool Cross Country
Last Tuesday our Interschool Cross Country squad travelled to Alderbury Reserve, Perry Lakes to compete in the annual CPSSA Interschool Cross Country Carnival. This is our most challenging Interschool carnival as it is all 16 schools in our CPSSA competing on the one day! The Interschool squad didn’t let the strong competition and warmer weather get to them; they were simply amazing in their efforts! The determination to push through and strive for their personal best was incredible to watch. A big thank you to all our parents that came to the carnival and supported our children. Thank you also to Mrs King and Miss Phoebe for attending the carnival and helping with marshalling, first aid and overall support.

Individual results have been placed in the children’s Seesaw account and below is the overall result :

School Sport WA Interschool Cross Country
This Friday, Georgia Mammone (4W) will be competing in the School Sport WA Interschool Cross Country Carnival. The School Sport WA Carnival attracts the top runners from around the state and is a challenging 2km run around UWA Sports Park. We wish Georgia all the best with her run and we know she will do Infant Jesus proud.

Mrs Jenkins
Sport Specialist Teacher

Choir News
The Infant Jesus School Choir have a very busy and exciting term ahead, with several performances and excursions in Term 3. Over the past two terms, the Infant Jesus School Choir have been working very hard in preparation for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, which will take place in weeks 5 and 6 of this term. On Monday 19 and 26 August the Choir will represent Infant Jesus School in the Sacred Choral and Choral Performance sections of the Festival. Family members are welcome to attend both of these performances and tickets are available from the performance venues on the day.

Last Friday morning 2 August, the Choir and the School Band performed a selection of songs for teachers, parents and students during the Performing Arts Showcase assembly. This was excellent practise for them in preparation for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. They all performed beautifully. The Choir was also very excited to receive their 2019 Choir badges last week, which they can now wear proudly on their school uniform and when representing Infant Jesus School during performances and excursions. The school Band will also receive their badges in the coming weeks. Thank you to the family members that attended the assembly and for supporting the students in their performances. Thank you also to Kerry King for your continued support of the Choir.

Last Thursday 1 August, the Choir went on an excursion to the Regal Theatre to see Mercedes College’s production of Wicked The Musical! The students absolutely loved seeing this spectacular production and being immersed in the music, storyline, dancing and staging. I know it inspired many of the students, who I hope will have the opportunity to be involved in such productions in their future years. Congratulations to all of the cast, musicians, crew, staff and design team involved from Mercedes College – it really was a magical show!

Miss Claire Condipodero
Music Teacher

Science News
National Science Week at Infant Jesus School
To celebrate National Science Week 2019 the students from Years 1 – 5 will have a session in the hall on Friday 16 August to engage with science stalls run by Mr Capolingua and the Year 6 students. Over the past several weeks our Year 6 students have been designing experiments and learning experiences in preparation for this day. Each student who attends on this day will be given a National Science Week card where they can track their progress and learning during the session. 

There will also be an “Ask a Science Question” stall where students can ask a “Google Home” system a Science Question they have! 

If you wish to continue the celebration of National Science Week 2019 look at attending the many different activities running throughout Perth. For example: 

The Reinvention Room at Scitech, an interactive exhibition that uses waste as a resource to generate electricity. Come and use machines, handmade from salvaged materials, to make current using hand-cranked machines and learn about waste, recycling and energy.

When:  Saturday 17 August to Sunday 18 August 2019 from 10.00am to 3.00pm
Where:  Scitech, City West Centre
Topic:  Innovation and Technology
Cost:  The Reinvention Room is included in the general admission ticket for Scitech


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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