Class News

Issue 28

Year Two Excursion – Constable Care Safety School

Year Two Excursion – Constable Care Safety School

Last week, to further explore outcomes in Health and Physical Education Year Two visited the Constable Care Safety School.

We have included some reflections from the students about the visit.

Today we went to the Constable Care Safety School for our excursion.  We had a fabulous time because lots of mums came and two dads also came to help.

First, Prue told us what we were going to do and then Alexander talked about the safety features of a bike.  Then 2W got their iPads and went outside while Alexander was showing us around.  They checked our heights and we got our bikes and helmets and started riding.

We had a fabulous time riding bikes and using iPads.  We had passports and we also got stamps in our passports.

There were bikes there and real traffic lights.  A road went all around the school and there were lots of transport things that were made out of cardboard.

The Lollipop Lady said, “You should not speed!”  My mum was a helper.  It was really fun, riding the bikes.

We saw Stop signs and we saw Give Way signs.  We also saw a railway crossing, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and a pedestrian crossing with lights.  We had to stay on the left side of the road, not on the right side.

We learnt to stop at Stop signs and to walk on the path.  Lots of our parents came to help out.

Science News

This term, the Year One’s explored Chemical Science with a focus on predicting and comparing how the shapes of objects made from different materials can be physically changed.  One experiment involved us solving a problem of how an A5 piece of paper could fit around our head and found that by cutting it in a specific way we could do it. We learned the difference between a physical and chemical change by conducting a variety of experiments and explored how materials such as water and chocolate change when warmed or cooled. It’s been a fantastic learning experience and the many hands on activities have allowed children to gain some understanding of how science is such a big part of their world.


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