Merit Certificates and Class News

Issue 16

At Infant Jesus School we are proud to celebrate the achievements of our children and all their hard work. Congratulations to the following students who will receive a Merit Certificate at our assembly on Thursday 14 June 2018:

PPB   Jessica Nguyen, Miles Brisbane, Ellie Whiting

PPW  Alfred Barzasi, Jobe Barletta, Rachael Fernandez

1B      Abigail Tutt, Thy Truong, Savio Paskin, Allegra Papalia

1W     Antonina do Santos Fleming, Stella Prokscha, Arielle Di Tella

2B     Taryn Henderson, Oliver Martinovich, Cameron Chami

2W     Charli Ikosipentarhos, Marcus Xiong, Jake Fiorucci

3B      Asher Jupp, Ria Mathew, Keira Fruvall

3W    Bianca Notte, Cameron Soh, Maria-Fe Gibson

4B      Chloe Italiano, Joanna Chung, Nicholas Kularatne

4W     Alexis Chan, Minh Thu Do, Trian Nguyen

5B     Dorothy Bao, Justin Soh, Sophie Gaston

5W     Mia Adams, Taya Coates, Lucas Rossi

6B      Victoria Mok, Allyra Quartermaine, Jairus Linquist

6W     Grace Modica, Xanthia McCarthy, Cooper Thornley


The Year One students have been enthusiastic learners and have enjoyed exploring lots of new and exciting concepts this term.

In Religious Education, the Year Ones have been focusing on our wonderful world and how they can enjoy God’s creation in their daily lives. They have explored making choices and discovered how, like Jesus, they can make choices that show love for themselves and others. To conclude the term, the children will explore the concept of growing and changing. In this the children explore the furnishings and vessels people see during a Eucharistic celebration.

During English, the children have continued to develop their reading, writing and spelling skills. Throughout the term, the Year One students have developed their reading skills of comprehension, accuracy, fluency and vocabulary. They have explored what makes a good reader by focussing on reading and comprehension strategies including decoding unknown words, inferring the feelings and motives of the characters, making predictions from looking at the cover, the illustrations and the text of a book and finding the main idea. The Year Ones have been creating a variety of imaginative and informative texts including procedures and retells. The children have continued to explore the patterns in words and have learnt new sounds to assist them with their spelling. They have also been busy developing their speaking and listening skills as they share the adventures of our class friends Jemma Giraffe and Bartlett Bear.

In Mathematics, the children have enjoyed investigating new mathematical concepts as they planned and prepared a morning tea for their Year Six buddies. The students experienced maths in a real life context as they worked together to prioritise tasks, calculate how much food was needed, create a shopping list and follow a recipe to make fruit cups for the morning tea. Students have learnt the key concepts of addition, multiplication and fractions as they calculated and shared the fruit needed to follow the specified recipe. Telling time to the hour and half hour was also explored as students planned and followed a timetable of tasks to be completed before, during and after the morning tea.

The children have recently taken on the role of a school planner and have begun to design and construct the perfect outdoor learning area for the school. Aspects of infrastructure and school community needs are being considered as they work in groups to plan, design and construct a 3D model of the proposed learning area. This hands-on investigation will allow for students to explore and apply their knowledge of 2D shapes and 3D objects as they negotiate and complete the project. Design and Technologies with Miss Phoebe is integrated into the investigation as the children explore opportunities to design solutions while identifying, gathering and using materials, components, tools and equipment to generate their design idea.

In Humanities and Social Sciences, the children have been exploring the question – ‘I wonder what makes a place special?’ They have learnt how to identify the natural, managed and constructed features in our local area. The children have located the key features in the local community and have investigated how to care for these features. They will also apply their knowledge of natural, managed and constructed features to their 3D models of the outdoor learning area, by incorporating items that represent each of the features.

In Visual Art, the children have been exploring the Aboriginal culture. They have learnt that Indigenous people use symbols to tell stories about their culture. The children have created a design for their very own rain stick, that tells a unique story about the local area they live in. The children will soon begin creating their rain stick and painting their designs.

This term in Science with Mrs Limerick the children have been studying Earth and Space Sciences and the observable changes that occur in the sky and landscape.  They have been recording short and longer patterns of events that occur on earth and in the sky, such as the sun appearing during the day, the appearance of the moon and stars at night, the weather and the seasons. The children have begun to draw scientific diagrams and record information using graphs and tables.

In Health with Mrs Limerick the children have been developing strategies to use when help is needed such as people they can trust, safety houses and the Kids Helpline. They have developed the ability to identify situations that require the help of emergency services and have begun to rehearse strategies they can use when they require assistance. The children have also started to explore how people feel when they are included and excluded from groups and activities as well as identifying and appreciating similarities and differences in people and groups.

This term in Physical Education with Miss Witkowski, the Year One children discussed and wrote a sentence about how exercise can cause some physical changes. The students have been working on their fitness by practicing for our Cross Country Carnival later this term. The children have also be developing their fundamental movement skills (side roll and ball bouncing) within simple games.

In Music, Miss Condipodero has continued working with the students on developing their intonation and pitch through singing and learning a wide variety of songs, using the solfa pentatonic scale and the solfa hand signs. The students have listened and responded to music through movement and play and have begun to share their music ideas. They have continued to establish their understanding of beat and rhythm through the use of percussion instruments, rhythm activities, improvisation and songs. The students have also been introduced to ostinato and some of the other elements of music including, tempo, dynamics, form and timbre.

This term in Italian the children have been busy making Mother’s Day cards. They have also learnt how to say Happy Birthday and count “candeline” in Italian. The children have just begun to learn the “Tanti auguri” song.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

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