CEWA’s Privacy Policy & Collection Notice
As a Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) school, Infant Jesus School collects, stores, uses, and discloses your personal information in accordance with the CEWA Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Notices you may find here.
Truth, Faith, Hope & Love
Truth, Faith, Hope & Love

Latest News

At Infant Jesus School, we believe that each child is a precious gift from God created as an individual with his or her own unique gifts, talents and abilities. Our aim is to cherish each child and create an environment which enables all children to experience the joy and wonder of our world.
We acknowledge parents as the first educators of their child. We share a strong partnership with each family and encourage parents to become involved in the school. Our home/school relationships are based upon on-going communication, openness and trust. Parents are supported in understanding their role alongside the school and together we support the child to achieve their true potential.
Our Teaching and Learning program provides a broad range of educational experiences which will enable children to develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially.
We feel privileged to walk this journey with you and will be happy to discuss your child’s individual needs and the services offered by our school.

Principal’s Welcome
At Infant Jesus School, we believe that each child is a precious gift from God created as an individual with his or her own unique gifts, talents and abilities. Our aim is to cherish each child and create an environment which enables all children to experience the joy and wonder of our world.
The time your child will spend in primary education is a most significant period in your child’s life and in the life of your family.

Infant Jesus School Tour

Enrolment EOI
The family is the first and most important influence in the development of religious faith in the child. Parents who enrol children at our school are asking us to share with them the responsibility of bringing up their children as Christians under the guidance of the teachings of the Catholic Church. The school supports parents in this important role.
Please fill in the details right so that we can send you the enrolment pack to be filled in and sent back to us.
You will receive an enrolment pack through the mail.
Complete the necessary documents and return to the School.
School Fees Schedule
School Age Calculator
If you have any difficulty or queries, you can contact us:
Tel: (08) 9276 1769
Email: info@infantjesus.wa.edu.au

© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 1769
Website by Chameleon Logic