Drop Off, Pick Up and Parking Procedures

The following procedures are in place each day.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures for Pre-Primary, Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten students

      • Parents of Pre-Primary, Kindy and Pre-Kindy children are required to wait with their child/ren for classes to open at the commencement of each school day. 
      • At the of the school day parents need to come to the Pre-Primary, Kindy and Pre-Kindy classrooms to collect their children.
      • Parking is available at the Church (no parking permit required) and limited parking available adjacent to the Basketball Court (school parking permit required)

Drop-Off Procedures for Year One to Six students

School Drive Through 

  • This is for parents who wish to drop off or pick up their child/children without parking. Children in  Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary cannot be dropped off or picked up at the school drive through. 
  • Parents drive from Peter’s Place into the school ‘drive through’ and drop only Year 1-6 children off by the entrance to the Canteen.
  • Parents then need to drive out into Smith Street
  • This is ‘One Way’ only. This is also ‘Staff Parking Only’ to ensure that there are no moving vehicles during pick up and drop off.
  • At the school ‘drive through’ there is NO pedestrian traffic.

Pick Up Procedures for Year One to Six students

School Drive Through

      • At the Drive Through students in Years 1 to 6 only are supervised by a staff member to ensure they are collected safely. 
      • Parents drive from Peter’s Place into the school ‘drive through’ and drop children off by the entrance to the Canteen.
      • Parents then need to drive out into Smith Street
      • This is ‘One Way’ only. This is also ‘Staff Parking Only’ to ensure that there are no moving vehicles during pick up and drop off.
      • At the school ‘drive through’ there is NO pedestrian traffic.

Russell Street Drive Through

      • Parents drive through and collect their child/ren from the area adjacent to the Pre-Kindy / OSH along Russell Street.
      • Children are supervised to ensure they are collected safely. 


      • Church Carpark – this is the general Carpark for all parents.  
      • The School Parent Carpark (adjacent to the Basketball Court) is designated as the parking zone for 
      • Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary parents. This is a ‘One Way’ area – parents drive in from Russell Street and out into Lovegrove Way. Parking permit passes are provided for these parents as they need to park their car and take their children to the classroom.
      • As the School Parent Carpark only has 40 parking bays Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary parents should still park at the Church Carpark or at Peter’s Place. 

Parking and Drive Through Areas

Parking around schools is always at a premium. Parents need to be patient and considerate to ensure that the traffic flows smoothly. Parents also need to be courteous to the school neighbours and follow the ‘No Standing’ street signs at all times to avoid being issued with fines.

Administration Carpark

This Car Park cannot be used to drop children off in the morning or pick them up during the afternoon as this is very dangerous as cars are pulling in and out at all times. Parents may use this Carpark only for office business during the day between 9.30am and 2.00pm.

End of the School Day

Children are supervised between 3.00pm and 3.20pm at the Drive Throughs adjacent to the Canteen, the Drive Through at Russell Street and at the Library entry/exit gate. Children who are still at school after 3.20pm will be required to report to the school office where they sign in and stay there until they are collected. Parents need to park their car and come into the office to collect their children. 

The Office closes at 4.00pm each day. 


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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